I live by the code of the road
every single night of my life
Nobody knows a single place I go
city by city, night after night
Been a long time on this lonely road (yeah)
Nothing comes easy, but it's worth the fight
If you've seen it once I've seen it twice before (yeah)
Little by little, mile after mile
You've been waiting for the soul of your life (yeah)
The time is now a'come
No hesitation, no backing down out
So just take it away
I live by the code of the road
every single night of my life
People all around you but you're all alone
City by city, night after night
It's about time I take it nice and slow (yeah)
Nothing comes easy, but it's worth the fight
I say it all the time, but then I start to roll (yeah)
Little by little, mile after mile
You've been waiting for the soul of your life (yeah)
The time is now a'come
No hesitation, no backing down out
So just take it away
I live by the code of the road
every single night of my life
Nobody knows a single place I go
city by city, night after night
Been a long time on this lonely road (yeah)
Nothing comes easy, but it's worth the fight
If you've seen it once I've seen it twice before (yeah)
Little by little, mile after mile
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